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Things To Do Between Your Engagement And Wedding

Congratulations, girl! Your prince charming has finally popped the question and given you that befitting ring. You're ecstatic, eh?

We, Shop Deluxy, have been there!

And we understand that the excitement of the proposal could make you delve straight into wedding planning. But don't; instead, match brake, and enjoy the furor for a few weeks.

After, start your wedding planning. But how and what should you do?

Check our list of the five things to do between your engagement and wedding!

Announce To Your Family And Friends That You're Engaged

You've had enough rest now. So, get to work, and the first thing to do is tell people the good news.

While there might be a temptation to post your new status straight away on your social media, don't yet. Instead, call your family and friends first; break the news of your engagement to them before anyone else.

If you already know your bridesmaids, you should also let them know now. That way, your trusted train could prepare and be there for you through wedding planning and expenses. 

See also:

How To Write The Sweetest Thank You Card To Your Bridesmaids

However, expect that any of your select bridesmaids might reject the task; don't resent them. Look on the bright side; you have enough time to find substitutes for your train.

After the direct calls to family and friends, you can now post your videos and pictures on your social media profiles. And be ready to answer lots of questions.

Set Ground Rules On When To Discuss Wedding Planning

After spreading the good news, the norm would be to start planning. While you should plan the wedding, you should set ground rules about the when and how. Why?

Wedding planning involves a ton of contact, details, networking, and trips. And all that would cost you time, energy, and money.

In essence, talking about wedding planning all the time might wear you and your spouse down. Outside stress, you might start getting cold feet or arguments.

Luckily, you can avoid all the stress and tension that comes with wedding planning. The way out is to schedule the time to discuss all things "wedding." That could be the evenings of every other week or whatever suits you.

Pro tip: space out the schedule. That way, you can have enough time for wedding item timelines and still enjoy each other's company despite the stress.

Purchase Engagement Ring Insurance

Now, you have a solid base on when and how to plan your wedding. The next item is to secure that shiny promise on your fingers.

The first thing you should do is resize the ring. The chances are that your spouse proposed with his old mom's ring or a luxurious kind - and they might not be the right fit for your hand.

So, resize your ring to avoid slips or misplacement. But even after resizing, still get insurance for your shiny ring. Why?

No one plans to lose their engagement rings, but it happens. While you can't replace the feeling, we say you should recoup your investment. And insurance can help!

That said, let's get into wedding planning. Oh, wait! Before that, capture the radiance of your engagement ring!

Organize Your Engagement Photoshoot

Understandably, your proposal could have been a surprise. And we can bet you that your spouse already had photographers to capture your awestruck face and countenance.

But you can take another set of photos that are elegant and where you officially unveil those manicured fingers and your engagement ring. You'd like that, won't you?

So, prepare for your engagement shoot. Start by sorting your desired location. Also, get your outfits.

More importantly, get a professional photographer to capture the essence and glow on you. And when the pictures are ready, you can use them for your "save the dates."

At last, we can discuss your wedding planning properly!

Plan A Detailed Wedding, And Even For The Events After

Wedding planning is the most hectic step you would take between your engagement and the D-day. And if you're new to the process, it could be overwhelming.

But don't fret; you only need a guide to commence the process. Fortunately, we have one for you: Wedding Planning Simplified.

You might be wondering, what exactly are you planning regarding your wedding? Well, here are the details:


Wedding planning is about asking the right question. The first one you want to ask is what type of event do you want? Would it be simple and classy or luxurious and all-encompassing?

Regardless of your answer, the outlook of your wedding depends on your pockets. So, how much fuel do you have in your tank? What can you afford?

Your budget will ultimately decide your wedding date, the venue, and even the guest list. So, appropriate it first!

Vendor & Venue

Once you settle on your budget, decide on the vendor and venue to use. And while you are at it, be fast. Why?

Wedding vendors and venues get booked fast and often ahead of the event. In that case, reach out to yours early enough.

Now you ask, how can you pick the right vendor and venue for your wedding?

  • First, consider your guest list.
  • Also, consider the date/season of your wedding. About that, steer clear of popular dates such as Valentine's Day.
  • Lastly, and most importantly, select venues and vendors that fit your dream wedding for design and creativity.

Guest List

Beyond your wedding vendor and venue, the guest list is also crucial to your expenses. The more the guest you invite, the steeper your budget will become.

Regardless, plan your guest list to include everyone you want gracing your big day. But how can you go about it?

  • Create two lists of invitees.
  • The first list will contain the crucial influences on your life. Examples of such figures should include your family and childhood friends.
  • The second list will include minor influences such as your parent's friends, colleagues, former classmates, and roommates.
  • If people from the first list couldn't attend, replace them with others from the second list.


Remember all the questions you received regarding the date of your wedding. They were irritating at some point, eh?

Well, that's because your wedding date is the most important detail - next is the venue. So, when should you fix your big day?

We won't advise you to pick a date in haste. Instead, focus on the season. Find a time of the year where the weather is cool and favorable.

Pro tip: check August through October!

Well, you might have always wanted a winter wedding. If that's you, ensure you appropriate the planning.

In the end, any wedding theme is achievable. You only need to put in the work and be creative!

Overall, we wish you a happy wedding when it happens, and kindly have lots of fun!

If you need inspiration for your wedding themes or extra guidance on the planning, check our blog!

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