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Fun Questions to Include in Your Wedding Questionnaire

Fun Questions to Include in Your Wedding Questionnaire

Alright, so you’ve gotten the décor and other vital parts of your wedding planning set up. Well done on having come this far. If you’re still handling these crucial things, then we wish you the best.

Are you here looking for fun questions to include in your wedding questionnaire? Then you’re in the right place. The items we’ve put together below will undoubtedly add a touch of fun to your wedding day. It’s a great way to keep your guests involved and hardly costs anything at all. All you’ll need are pens, paper, crayons, markers, and pencils.

When it’s your wedding day, you can assign your guests these questions and ask them to answer them in your guest book. You can also print the questions out in loose sheets and leave them at the seats. When done answering, your guests can deposit it into a card box you’ve prepared and put in a strategic location.

Now that that’s settled, here are some fun questions to include. They’ll have your guests smiling and ready to give you their opinions and answers.

1. Where Do You See Us in The Next Ten Years?

This lovely question will certainly have your guests giving you some surprising answers. You can also include the number of years or add variations like 20 or 30 years.

2. What’s the Best Marriage Advice You’ve Heard?

From simple words to long paragraphs, your loved ones will feel great answering this question. Some of them will be long inspirational quotes, and you might even get a poem! Be prepared for anything.

3. How Should We Celebrate Our Very First Anniversary?

You never know, you could get a unique and amusing suggestion to adopt. You’ll certainly have so much fun reading the recommendations.

4. What Is Your Best Advice for Us as Parents?

Parents have the best idea. They’ll drop one or two things you’ll find handy as your marriage proceeds. Their kind of advice is always evergreen and will come in handy. Keep these answers safe.

5. Draw A Portrait of Yourself or A Picture of Us

This one is definitely for the laughs. We’re sure it’s been a while since you got a chance to draw except if you’re an artist. So, you can understand how excited your guests will be at this chance. The drawing you get can be put into a special book that you’ll pull out occasionally for the laughs.

6. What Should Be Our Itinerary for Our First Year Together?

Your guests, especially the married ones, will have ideas to make your first year as a couple, fun. You can do some of these activities in the first year and save some for much later.

What will you remember most about our wedding?

It could be the cake or the color scheme. People will form their memory of your wedding day based on what’s important to them. Through this questionnaire, you’ll be able to get different perspectives on your special day.

7. What Is Known to Rekindle Love?

You may love each other forever, but you won’t feel in love all the time. These questions will give your guests a chance to offer their world-class advice.

8. Suggest the Most Romantic Place You’ve Visited

You can make a list based on what people say and have a new fun place to go during your anniversaries. All you’ll have to do is take a pick out of the many different destinations your guests will write.   

9. What’s the One Thing We Should Do Every Day

Some of the suggestions will be funny, and others will be sober. However, you will be guaranteed some great options for what you should do to keep your wedding fire burning.

If you’re also looking for beautiful gifts for your wedding, then you’re in the right place. We also have anniversary, bridal shower, and Christmas presents for couples. Click here to check what items are in stock. Shop with us today!

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