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How Long Do You Really Have to Send A Wedding Gift?

How Long Do You Really Have to Send A Wedding Gift?

We at Deluxy get it, wedding gifting is complicated. That’s why we opened a shop so you can get the best gifts, stress-free! There’s usually so much to consider when sending your friends, a gift, that you could end up being very confused and procrastinating on buying and sending one, which is why you’re here. You’re wondering how long you have before you have to make up your mind.

Giving gifts to the wedding couple is a longstanding tradition (So no, you can’t escape it). The gift serves as a tangible representation of your affection and support of the marriage. It is typically sent to the bride’s home, whether she lives with her parents, on her own, or with her fiancé. In some areas, however, it may still be the tradition to take a gift to the wedding reception. This option is often actively discouraged. It creates lots of extra work for the family, attached cards can be lost, and as sad as it is to say, there have been reports of stolen gifts.

So, when is an okay time to send in your wedding gifts if you don’t take it to the reception with you? Well, here are some tips from us concerning that. If you’re ready, grab a relaxing cup of tea, take a seat, and let’s talk about wedding gifts.

1. The Early Birds

Contrary to that rumor that you probably saw or heard somewhere, you do not have a whole year after the wedding to send in your wedding gift. If you got married today, would you still be expecting a wedding gift eight months later? No, you wouldn’t. You actually have until three months after the wedding, so get started already! Buying the gift early means you get more time to decide on and pick a meaningful gift that the couple will love.

2. Close to Wedding

 This is the time most people choose because they know that the couple is still caught up in their wedding spirit. You, however, have to be careful and know exactly where you are having your gift delivered to especially if you know the couple is moving shortly before or after the wedding. You don’t want to create an extra box for them to pack or send your gift to an address they no longer stay at.

3. After the Wedding

Alright, no need to panic if your friends have already said their “I dos” and you have not sent them your gift yet. You can still get some great gifts from our store here and have them delivered. Remember that whether or not you attended the wedding, sending a gift is proper etiquette. You also want to have your gift received by them at most three months after their wedding. Best of luck!

Did you know that we have the best gifts you can get for your friends, just a click away on our online store? Why not click here to check the options available and shop with us today!

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